South China Sea Dispute: Who Is Abusing World Power? (archived from Oct. 2016)

In the last several months a recurring major news item is the dispute over the South China Sea and the decision of the Arbitral Tribunal (AT) and the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA). If you read the reports from American mass media and the comments from American political leaders, the impression that you get is that China has violated international laws as specified under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and that China is bullying her smaller neighbors and is posing a military threat to the world.

Is that really consistent with the truth? This article provides the background information to understand this issue and to reach a decision. The decision shows that yes there is an abuse of power, but the country doing the abuse is not China, but the U.S. To read the article, click on the following link:

San Francisco Unanimously Adopts Measure to Build ‘Comfort Women’ Memorial (Japan Times: 9/23/2015)

San Francisco formally adopted a resolution Tuesday calling for the city to build a memorial to commemorate the “comfort women” who were forced to provide sex at Japanese military brothels before and during World War II. To read the article, click on:

Court Rules in Favor of Memorial to Comfort Women (Glendale News-Press: Aug. 4, 2016)

An appellant court ruling on Thursday upheld the dismissal of a lawsuit against the city of Glendale demanding the removal of a memorial statue in Glendale dedicated to as many as 200,000 women from Korea and other countries forced into sex slavery by Japanese soldiers during World War II. To read the article, click on:

South Korean Government Faces Lawsuit from Her Own Citizens Over Agreement with Japanese Government (ABC News: Aug. 30, 2016)

Twelve South Korean victims of wartime sexual slavery say they will take their government to court over its agreement with Japan last year intended to end the bitter historical dispute. To read article, click on: