This program consisted of two items:
- Showing the abridged (13 minutes) version of the documentary “Torn Memories of Nanjing,” a documentary made by the award-winning Japanese teacher and journalist Tamaki Matsuoka who invested 24 years of her life to try to find out what happened during the Nanking Massacre. She interviewed over 250 former Japanese soldiers who were stationed in Nanking in 1937-1938 and over 300 Chinese survivors of the Nanking Massacre. This documentary summarizes the findings of her video-recorded interviews.
- Ms. Sharon Dolled, a Special Education Teacher at the Memorial Middle School in Howell, spoke on “Good People Facing Atrocities.” Ms. Dolled participated in the 2012 Peace and Reconciliation Asia Study Tour sponsored by NJ-ALPHA, during which she visited China, South Korea, and Hong Kong.