April 24, 2017: Talk by 94-year-old Nanking Massacre survivor Mr. Chu-Yeh Chang and NJ-ALPHA President Don Tow at Ridgewood High School in Ridgewood, NJ as part of its “2nd Annual Making a Difference Speaker Series.”

Don talked about the forgotten holocaust of WWII.  He talked about the massive and inhuman atrocities in Asia, especially in China, during WWII.  He emphasized that there were many eye witnesses, foreigners and Chinese, who recorded what they saw and experienced in diaries, film, photos, and articles.  He read several of the quotes from these eye witnesses.

Mr. Chang recalled his own experience as a 14th year old Nanking Massacre victim and survivor, and the tragedy his family experienced when his mother, 80-year-old great grandmother, and 11-year-old sister were raped, and his great grandmother was also killed.  He ended his talk with the remark “In spite of the atrocities committed by the Japanese soldiers against my family, I am not seeking any revenge, and do not hold any animosity against the Japanese people. The fact that I have become a Christian has helped me to forgive the Japanese. I tell my three children and nine grandchildren that they must not hate, but they must never forget this part of history. I don’t want this kind of things to happen again to anyone else in the future.”

You can read the transcript of a similar earlier talk by Mr. Chang at:   https://nj-alpha.org/Reference_Information_Articles/HTML_Articles/Chang_Chu_Yeh_English.html

or you can see another similar earlier talk by Mr. Chang at:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlSxKO5Da2Y

Don received 99 thank you notes from the approximately 200 students and teachers who attended the program.  Mr. Chang also received a similar box of thank you notes.

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